"Keep on Being Weird"
Holistic Guide for Women
Educator, Coach, Priestess
Carrier of the Wise Woman Tradition

I research the nature of being, walking the spiral path of the feminine & soul initiation.
As a guide, my work explores the multi-faced nature of what it means to be a human woman in this time.
I stand for & with the magick
of womanhood, of the body, the mystery.
Born in New York City, my life took an unexpected shift I when I arrived in the holy land of Canaan in August 2013 to study Arabic. With a budding career in social-justice oriented politics and journalism, I left the US for what I thought would be 6 months to study and connect first hand to the realties of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
Completely to my surprise, this land had other plans for me, and very soon I found myself awakening, thrust into the path of my deep healing journey. Living close to the land for the first time in my life, I was introduced to the worlds of plant medicine, shamanism, sacred music, conscious sexuality and feminine awakening.
Suddenly I found deep belonging, connection and an unwinding path of deepening self-acceptance.
This was a relief, a soothing, to my inner being who for years and years experienced a fundamental loneliness and not-enoughness. Connection with the magic of the cosmos, a longing suppressed from childhood, also began to reveal itself to me.
As my journey evolved, I joined the unique community of Israelis and Palestinians doing ecological peace work in the Jericho desert. During this period, I experienced new heights of love and connection, truly miraculous moments of deep peace, and yet I also experienced sexual violence, and the destruction of my naivety. It was there where I was initiated into the gate of Trauma.
Slowly slowly, through this initiation I began to heal developmental wounds and trauma, further returning to myself. In the process, I studied a wide spectrum of somatic & spiritual disciplines. I dove into sexuality, sensuality, feminine embodiment, trauma & the nervous system, movement, wholistic psychology & holistic healing. I discovered the wisdom of my body, the power of stored unconscious memory, emotion and experience.
Incredibly, I discovered my ability to connect with the mystery through my female cyclical nature, my womb, my sex and my heart. This wisdom continues to blow me away day after day.
In my journey I've healed myself from chronic yeast infections, UTI, sexual trauma and debilitating anxiety.
11+ years later, still traveling , I let go of journalism, but I’m still committed to the cause that led me here.
Today, I dedicate myself to spiritual somatic transformation as personal & collective-liberation work. I immerse myself in the overlap of personal and societal, of spiritual and material, sacred and mundane.
I couldn’t be more excited that this is where life has taken me. I remain in awe and gratitude that this is the life I’ve created.
Qualifications & trainings
Muse Alchemy - Somatic Coach, Embodied Trauma Guide, Movement Facilitator (1 year 250hrs)
Cutting edge somatic technology & full spectrum embodiment with Maya Night
Gyneocosophic Guide ( 1 Year, 370 hours)
Gynecosophia - the Wisdom School of the Complete Woman
Fertility Awareness Method Educator
Certified FEMM teacher
Feldenkrais NeuroSomatics Practitioner (4 years, 800 hours)
School of Ruty Bar
200+ hours of study at the School of Mystery, Sacred Dance and Feminine Arts
with Zola Dubinikova including 2 month intensive in Goa, India
International School of Temple Arts (ISTA)
Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Graduate and Assistant (Level 1, 2 & 3)
Yoga Instructor (800+ hours)
600 hrs Vinyasa and Non-Dualism with Roxi Stolk, Michmoret Israel
200 hrs Katonah Yoga with Founder Nevine Michaan and senior teacher Abbie Galvin NY, NY
Additional training in Yoga for a Happy Back with Rachel Kretzman

A few fun facts...